Tag Archives: blog

Our blog is 1 year old! Cadeau – les statistiques!

Dear Readers,
Today is a joyful anniversary ai??i?? our blog is 1 year old! Our first post appeared on March 14th 2016, and since then we’ve published 11 more which is almost 1 per month.Ai?? Want to know more about how ‘Academic wor(l)ds’ fares in term of numbers and stats? Read on…

To celebrate l’anniversaire de notre blog we prepared a little cadeau ai??i?? a bit of data on how the page is doing in terms of statistics. Perhaps this will be of interest for other science bloggers or academics who are thinking of setting up their own blogs and are wondering what kind of traffic they can expect.

Continue reading Our blog is 1 year old! Cadeau – les statistiques!